Annual General Meeting 21st November 2016

18 of the 27 members of the Rotary Club of Temora were present, quorum of 9 was therefore covered.

Minutes of the AGM 23rd November 2015 had been electronically circulated to Members by the Secretary with a request to print their own if they required. These were accepted as a True and Accurate record.

The Directors reports as presented at the Club Changeover dinner 2nd July 2016 were likewise electronically circulated were also ratified and accepted.

The Auditors report from Gunn Accounting had been electronically circulated for members to review before the meeting. After minor discussion about the layout it was accepted as a True and Accurate record.

Election of the Executive Officers for 2017/18 followed with single nominations for;

President – Mr Robert Oliver

Secretary – Mr Taz Rundle

Treasurer – Mr Keith Anderson

All nominations were accepted by the Nominees and they were elected to these positions effective 1st July 2017.

Fundraising done by the Rotary Club of Temora is 100% forwarded to the recipients and the entire Club is run from the members subscription only.

Discussion on the Members Dues was had and a motion from Mr Brendon Fritsch and seconded by Mr Arthur Bradley that members consider and this item will be handled at a CLOSED Club Assembly in February 2017, date TBA. This was carried.

The Treasurer moved a motion that Gunns Accounting be appointed as club Auditors for 2016/17, seconded Mr Bronson Beattie and carried.

There being no General Business the meeting was closed after 13 minutes.