Future Guest Speakers

To let you now here are the confirmed one’s we have now!

7th August – Cr Max Oliver talks about the Temora Railway Precinct development.

14th August – Jeff and Joy Cornford to tell us about the construction and development of the Shipton Villas.

21st August – Bill Schwencke and Donna Widdows will talk to the members about the Temora Greyhound scene and industry in general.

18th September – will be our visit from District Governor George Weston.

16th October – We will be conducting our Mock Interviews of High School students.

All partners and members of the general public are very welcome and encouraged to attend.

Meeting 2433 – 17th July, 2017

Tonight Lucy Holland, reported back to the club after attending a Rotary IT (Information Technology) camp in Sydney with other High School and Rotary Exchange students.

They were given access behind the scenes at such icons as





Thanks Lucy for an informative report of our continued support of Youth and the Future.

Dr Eryl Evans guest speaker Monday 10th July 2017

In the first meeting of the new Rotary year with President Rob Oliver at the helm we addressed an issue that is unfortunately all to close to our hearts currently.

Depression, social resilience, grief management and understanding have been topics well in the Clubs view in the later half of Past President Helen Maxwell’s year. Deaths have rocked the club and had many members searching to cope with the grief.

Dr Evans spoke tonight and gave hope, direction and understanding of these difficult processes we have been struggling with

Rotarian Stephen introduces Dr Evans
Eryl delivering his message
We have grown a little smaller over the last year.
President Rob thanks Dr Evans and we discover we need a taller banner!
That works, a shorter President!


Second last meeting for the Rotary Year

Monday 19th June saw the assembled members, partners and guests meet at the Temora Ex Services Memorial Club to enjoy friendship and the common passion of Rotary, fellowship with new people.

Well new to us. Ex Temora Councillor and local identity Peter Speirs had some very interesting guests tonight.

50 years ago a much younger Peter was in the first Rotary Group Study Exchange to leave our shores and travel to the United States of America, in particular for him Woodward Nth Oklahoma and there to meet the Dauphin family and live with them. Friendship was born from this meeting that has flourished for the decades in between and while visits have occurred to mark the anniversary Little Lisa (well i guess she’s grown up a bit to) and her two daughters Morgan a school teacher like her Mum and Mallory studying agriculture communications came to visit Temora and us.

Introducing his guests
Presenting her two year mission in Senegal with the American Peace Corp.
Peter Speir, Mallory Ross, our President Helen Maxwell, Lisa Dauphin Crabtree and Morgan Ross.


Meeting 2418 – 27th February, 2017

16 members with 3 partners attended tonights Dinner meeting at the Temora Ex Services Memorial Club on Baker Street, Temora.

Our program tonight was delivered by Rotarian Bonita on Facebook.

While we have all heard of this Social Media platform many in the club have no concept of it’s real possible advantages or uses.

Bonita tried to dispel some myths and put unsteady fingers on the right buttons.

Well done all.

No meeting next Monday, remember it’s our movie night.