Where Have We Been.

Well nowhere really!

Rotary is always there working in the background.

The Web Master to has been working away in the background too, just not here. Sorry but here is a not to long rundown on what the club has been up to!

We saw the movie Hampstead as a Rotary Foundation fundraiser.

We did duty in the Kiosk at the Aviation Museum, on the gates at the Show had a visit from the District Governor.

Made some presentation of Rotary Fine Young Aussie Awards.

Raised funds for good with the Rotary Spring Garden Raffle.

We helped our youth prepare for the job market with mock interviews.

Supported business in Ariah Park with a meeting there.

Spread manure throughout the town with the famous Rotary Moo Poo.

Fed some cyclists and members of Rotaract raising awareness of Men’s Breast Cancer.

A Christmas Party.

Heard from a Rotary International Exchange Student.

And an AGM


Up to this month.